The Perth & District Union Public Library seeks quotations for a community consultation and needs assessment to evaluate the library’s future needs.

Specifically, the Library is looking for a consultant to complete the following work:

  • Review and provide an analysis of the library’s current services against the guidelines and best practices for a Large Branch, as outlined in the ARUPLO (Administrators of Rural and Urban Public Libraries of Ontario) Guidelines for Rural / Urban Public Library Systems, 4th edition (2023), available at
  • Develop and analyze the results of a community survey to identify what library services community members find most valuable, and what community members would like to see offered that is not currently offered. The community survey results should be able to be categorized as per the ARUPLO guidelines (i.e. facilities, hours of operation, staff, collections, user seating & technology). The library will manage survey distribution and marketing.

The final product should be in report format.

If you would like to submit a quotation to undertake this work as outlined, please submit the following:

  • a quotation for the full cost of the work outlined above
  • your expected availability to complete the work, and
  • up to two examples of similar work that you have completed,

via email to

EXTENDED Quotations must be submitted by December 19, 2024 at 5pm in order to be considered. Quotations will be reviewed by the CEO, and a final decision made by December 20, 2024.

Please submit all questions in writing to Erika Heesen, CEO/Chief Librarian,, by December 18, 2024. Answers to all questions will be posted on the library website by December 18, 2024.