Interlibrary loans
Looking for something that we don’t have in our library’s collection? We provide access to interlibrary loan, where you can request items from other libraries across Ontario.
Patrons request their own interlibrary loans via the Ontario-wide interlibrary loan catalogue.
Before placing a request, please check the following:
Do we already own it? If the library already owns the item, please consider putting a hold on this title. Otherwise, you may submit a request through interlibrary loan and it may be supplied by another library.
Is the item older than 12 months? Most libraries will not lend their new items to us, and will decline those requests. Please consider a suggestion for purchase instead.
Requests are limited to 3 active requests per patron at a time, so choose carefully. If you are unable to place your own requests library staff can assist you.
Instructions & tutorials:
Tutorial (video): Inter-Library Loan Basics
Tutorial (pdf): Inter-Library Loan Basics
Is there a new interlibrary loan system? Why can’t I find the link to zPortal? What happened to my account?
Along with all libraries across Ontario, we switched to a new Interlibrary Loan software, Resource Sharing for Groups, on November 12, 2024. If you use inter-library loan, you will need to create a new account with RS4G. You will not be able to access Zportal (the old system).
I had requests in the old system. What happened to it?
All requests in the old system are still being processed (until January 2025). Please contact library staff for information on any specific requests.
Can I use Interlibrary Loan for my book club?
We encourage you to use our book club sets instead of interlibrary loans. You can each submit your own individual requests but we cannot guarantee your book will arrive for a specific date.
How long will it take for my request to arrive?
This varies depending on the availability of the item. Many requests are filled in as little as two weeks but harder to find items could take up to six weeks or longer.
What if I don’t find what I am looking for?
Contact us at You will be contacted if additional information is needed regarding your request.
How can I monitor the progress of my requests?
You can view the status of your request in your account.
How will I be notified that my material is available?
Once the item has been received at the library, you will receive an e-mail notification. Prompt pick-up ensures that you will have the maximum borrowing time.
How do I cancel a request or renew a borrowed item due date?
If the item’s due date has not been reached, you can request a renewal via your account. Renewing a book is subject to approval by the lending library.
If the library has not started processing your request, you can also cancel it via your account.
If it is past the due date or the request has already been processed, please contact us at 613-267-1224 or